Exit this survey California Real Time Network (CRTN) Registration 11% of survey complete. *TO COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION, STEP 1: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM; STEP 2: SUBMIT YOUR REGISTRATION FEE, AND STEP 3: EMAIL THE PROCESSING FEE CONFIRMATION TO MARIA@UCSD.EDU.STEP 2: CRTN NTRIP ACCOUNT REGISTRATION/PROCESSING FEE $100 (colleges, universities and K-12, primary and secondary, schools and students are exempt from the fee). Please go to the Donation/Contribution Link: https://tinyurl.com/givetoCRTN (or https://giveto.ucsd.edu/giving/home/gift-referral/c75e9e52-7fc4-49a3-9366-6e9b7d65dc9c) or click here. Please do not include comments online under Anything Else/Special Instructions. If you have comments, please email maria@ucsd.edu.*IT MAY TAKE AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS TO RECEIVE A CRTN NTRIP ACCOUNT USERNAME AND PASSWORD. PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU DON'T HEAR BACK IN THAT TIMEFRAME. *IF YOU NEED YOUR ACCOUNT SOONER, WE REQUEST A DONATION/CONTRIBUTION OF $200 TO EXPEDITE ACTIVATION OF YOUR ACCOUNT IN ABOUT 1-2 BUSINESS DAYS. PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO MARIA@UCSD.EDU AND USE THE LINK ABOVE.ONCE YOU RECEIVE YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION, IT MAY TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 3-5 BUSINESS DAYS TO TROUBLESHOOT CONNECTION ISSUES WITH YOUR INSTRUMENTS. TEST YOUR INSTRUMENTS WITH YOUR CRTN NTRIP ACCOUNT BEFORE GOING OUT IN THE FIELD. PLEASE CONNECT TO YOUR ACCOUNT WITHIN TWO WEEKS OR EMAIL ME, IF YOU HAVE ISSUES. Register for an Account: Please take a few minutes (typically 10 minutes or less) to complete this registration form and to find out more about the California Real Time Network (CRTN). Your information is confidential and will be used for internal purposes only. Information about CRTN users helps us to gather support for CRTN through collaborations and requests for funding through grants. To complete your registration, please email the processing fee contribution to maria@ucsd.edu.One Free Account: each organization has free access to a single NTRIP account for one real-time connection to RTCM 3.0 data; $100 registration/processing fee. A donation or CRTN data service contribution of $1,000 annually gives you a CRTN Contributing Membership and provides access to an additional account/connection. Please also see the CRTN Data Policy at http://sopac-csrc.ucsd.edu/index.php/crtn-datapolicy/ or click here.Statewide Coverage through Collaboration: CRTN is made possible through a collaboration with many organizations such as EarthScope/National Science Foundation, Caltrans, US Geological Survey, University of California Berkeley/Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, Orange County, and San Diego County, who operate or maintain stations and stream real time data to CRTN. Part of a Non-Profit Public Research University: CRTN is part of the California Spatial Reference Center (CSRC, http://sopac-csrc.ucsd.edu/index.php/csrc/) located at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego and is part of a non-profit, public research university. Our research group is the Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC; http://sopac-csrc.ucsd.edu) and we conduct research in the areas of high-precision GPS, rapid response systems for earthquakes and tsunamis, GPS meteorology, and seismogeodesy.CRTN Contact: Maria Turingan (maria@ucsd.edu, mrturingan@ucsd.edu or 858-822-2156) Next