By filling in this survey, you are supplying valuable feedback to the Capital Region Farmers Market.

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* 1. What is your post code?

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* 2. What is your age group?

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* 3. How often do you visit the Market?

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* 4. How long would you estimate that have you been visiting the Market for?

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* 5. In the last 12 months would you say your visitation to the Market has increased or decreased?

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* 6. What time do you normally arrive at the Market?

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* 7. Our opening hours are now 7.30 – 11.30am every Saturday. Would you like the Market to be open:

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* 8. Rank the importance of the following aspects of why you visit the Market, with 1 being the least important and 10 the most important.

You can drag and drop the options, or choose the relevant numbers.

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* 9. Were you aware that the Market is a not-for profit enterprise managed by the Rotary Club of Hall with all profits from stallholder fees being reinvested into community projects?

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* 10. How much money do you estimate you spend at the Market each time you visit?

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* 11. Do you feel you are getting value for money?

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* 12. Do you currently shop online for produce?

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* 13. Rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Market:

  1. Very unsatisfied 2. Somewhat unsatisfied 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Very satisfied
Range of stall holders / growers
Quality of produce on offer
Opening times of the Market
Information on the Market via the website / emails / onsite information

Question Title

* 14. Would you like to see more or less of the following types of produce at the Market:

  Reduce the number Leave the same Increase the number
Meat and seafood
Baked Goods
Gourmet, Fine Foods and Smallgoods
Flowers, Plants and Garden
On-site, ready-made meals and food
Dairy and eggs

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* 15. How interested would you be in the following initiatives and events?

  1. Not at all interested 2. Slightly interested 3. Moderately interested 4. Very interested 5. Extremely interested
Tours of the Market with chefs and apprentices
Tours of the Market with volunteers
Seasonal guide to all the stallholders at the Market
Market cooking classes on site

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* 16. Have you ever used the Capital Region Farmers Market website?

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* 17. Capital Region Farmers Market has a Facebook page. Do you find Facebook is a useful way of staying up to date with local businesses?

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* 18. Did you know the Market has Instagram and Twitter?

  Yes No I don't use that social media

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* 19. Which of the following local media do you regularly read, watch and listen to?

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* 20. Where do you shop between Markets for fresh food / perishable goods or items not available at the Market?

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* 21. Have you ever visited the South Side Market at CIT?

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* 22. Do you find signage in the Market with each grower’s business name and region useful to your shopping experience?

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* 23. Are you aware that we produced a Market Recipe Book and that it is available for sale?

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* 24. In the past year have you brought interstate or international visitors to the Market?

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* 25. Have you seen or heard any Capital Region Farmers Market advertising?