
Thank you so much for showing up to help us learn. Learning is our thing, so getting a chance to learn about you is a big deal for us. This survey is here to understand who you are and also to help decide what we should do next.

We expect this survey to take 10 minutes to complete.


– Hank & John, plus the Crash Course team, and the SciShow team, and the Eons, Microcosmos & Bizarre Beasts crew, and the folks behind-the-scenes at Complexly

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* 1. What Complexly stuff do you watch/listen to? (select all that apply)

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* 2. What Complexly stuff have you heard of? (select all that apply)

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* 3. Be real with us, did you know that there’s a company called Complexly or did you think Hank and John were doing this stuff in their basement?

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* 4. What words would you use to describe Complexly's mission? (Optional)

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* 5. How did you come to find our stuff? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. How long have you been watching our stuff?

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* 7. Asked in the most awkward and vulnerable way possible, why do you even like us? What keeps you coming back to our stuff and spending time with us?

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* 8. When we are at our best, what do we do for you? (you can pick two)

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* 9. We’re the first to say, we are FAR from perfect. If we made you the sovereign leader of our company for a day what would you change? What do you think we could do better?

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* 10. What would you like to see more of from us? (select all that apply)

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* 11. Your current relationship to schooling / education (check all that apply):

12% of survey complete.