Sanctuary Survey For Audiences Question Title * 1. How have you been involved? Build Participant Volunteer (Including Guardians) Staff Audience Other Question Title * 2. How interesting was ‘Sanctuary’? Not at all Very Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 3. Can you comment on why it was or wasn't interesting? Question Title * 4. How did it made you feel? Question Title * 5. How memorable do you think it was? Not at all Very Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 6. Do you think Sanctuary was a useful way to commemorate the losses to Covid? Yes No Not sure Would you like to comment on this further? Question Title * 7. Did the experience of visiting Sanctuary help you with your own experiences of the Pandemic? Yes No Not sure Would you like to comment on this further? Question Title * 8. Did your own experience inform or become part of the work? Yes No Not sure If yes, how did that feel? If no or not sure, why not? Question Title * 9. Does it feel like 'Sanctuary' belongs to your community? Yes No Not sure If yes, how? If no, why not? Question Title * 10. Did this project bring you and your community together? Yes No Not sure If yes how? If no, why not? Question Title * 11. Did you have interesting conversations with each other because of the project? Yes No If yes can you comment on the significance of the conversations you had? Question Title * 12. Did you find out more about each other? Yes No Question Title * 13. Has the work influenced how you think about or see the world? Yes No Not sure If yes in what ways? Question Title * 14. Have you told other people about this work or your experience of it? Yes No Question Title * 15. How often do you take part in, or visit arts projects? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never, this is the only time Question Title * 16. Did you travel here especially for this event / project? Yes No Question Title * 17. If yes, how far did you travel? (Please estimate to the closest kilometre. N.B. 0.6 miles = 1 km) To the event From the event Question Title * 18. How did you travel? Bus/Coach Rail (National) Rail (International) Car (passenger) Car (driver, diesel) Car (driver, petrol) Car (driver, hybrid) Car (driver, electric) Flights (Domestic) Flights (International) Walking or Cycling Ferry Other - please describe Question Title * 19. In order to know a bit more about our audiences it would be very useful to know more about who you are. This information is being collected anonymously.Please can you tell us where you live? Postcode (If UK resident in a fixed address) Country (if non-UK resident) Please describe if neither of the above Question Title * 20. What age are you? Under 16 16-19 20-34 35-49 50-64 65-74 75+ Prefer not to say Question Title * 21. Please tick the following to indicate your gender Female (including male to female trans women) Male (including female to male trans men) Non-binary / non-conforming Bi-Gender/ gender fluid Prefer not to say Self describe (please specify) Question Title * 22. Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term health condition? Yes No Not sure Prefer not to say Question Title * 23. Please can you select one of the following to describe your sexuality? Asexual Bisexual Gay Heterosexual / Straight Lesbian Pansexual Queer Not sure Prefer not to say Self-Describe Question Title * 24. What best describes your ethnicity? Bangladeshi Chinese Indian Pakistani South Asian South East Asian East Asian Asian British Any other Asian background (Please specify below) African Caribbean Somali Black British Any other Black background (Please specify below) Arab Iranian Iraqi Kurdish Turkish Any other Middle Eastern background (Please specify below) Multi Heritage White and Asian Multi Heritage White and Black African Multi Heritage White and Black Caribbean Any other multiple heritage (Please specify below) British Eastern European Gypsy Irish Irish or Scottish Traveller Roma Any other white background (Please specify below) Not sure Prefer not to say Any further information Question Title * 25. Is there anything else would you like to say about this event? Done