Participant Information

Welcome to the HR Metrics Survey.

You are invited to participate in our latest survey which is designed to collect valuable data from organizations of all sizes and across all industries, identify key issues facing HR professionals, and measure the impact of the HR function and policies on organizational success.

In exchange for your participation, you will receive a FREE copy of the final report (a $3,495 value) which will:
  • Compare your results to other organizations and benchmark your performance.
  • Give you insight into the extent to which your HR function is having an impact on productivity.
  • Allow you to track HR metrics over time to determine if your HR function is driving results in a positive direction.
  • Provide executive-level data that will get your HR function a seat at the table.
In addition, you will receive support from experts as you interpret the results and define ways to influence HR metrics going forward.

As you prepare to complete the survey, please note the following:
  • The time you invest in completing the survey will provide you with insights on the value of HR to your organization.
  • The survey is extensive covering a wide array of topics. The amount of time to complete will depend upon the depth of your benefits offering and your organizations current tracking abilities. A list of questions was included in your invitation email to assist you in preparing your data for entry. While we know you may not be able to answer all questions, we ask that you submit as much data as possible to ensure the integrity of the results. Data submissions will be reviewed for completeness to determine results eligibility.
  • Your organization's information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone.
  • Results will be composed of only aggregate data.
  • Data should be submitted with an effective date of the first day of the month prior to submission (example: Data submitted March 1-31, 2024 = Effective date 2/01/2024.
  • For each release, the data cut off is August 15th with results available in early November. Any data received after August 15th will be included in the next release.
If you are not the correct person to complete the survey, feel free to forward the link to a colleague within your organization who has insight into the survey topics.
3% of survey complete.