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Question Title

* 1. Which of these best describes your current role at work?

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* 2. What programming language(s) do you use in your current role? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. How long have you been using Temporal?

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* 4. What industry are you working in?

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* 5. What is the size of your company?

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* 6. What region are you based in?

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* 7. What problem(s) are you trying to solve with Temporal? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. Which specific Temporal benefits are you using most? Rank from most important (1) to least important (6). (Drag and drop numbers to appropriate spot).

  1. Durable Execution
  2. Workflow orchestration
  3. Fault tolerance
  4. State management
  5. Job scheduling

Question Title

* 9. What were the key decision factors in choosing Temporal? (Choose top three)

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* 10. How do you run Temporal for development?

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* 11. What SDKs are you using? (select all that apply)

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* 12. How do you run Temporal in production? (Select all that apply)

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* 13. What is your primary use case?

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* 14. How did you first learn about Temporal? (Select all that apply)

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* 15. What was the deciding factor in exploring Temporal further?

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* 16. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your experience using Temporal?

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* 17. What is the primary reason for your rating?

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* 18. Which of the following solutions do you use or have considered using in a capacity similar to Temporal? (Select all that apply)

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* 19. Where do you typically get your information about new backend solutions? (Select all that apply)

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* 20. How often do you engage with Temporal’s community (Slack, GitHub, meetups, etc.)?

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* 21. Which Temporal community channels do you use most? (Select all that apply)

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* 22. What content formats do you prefer for learning about backend systems and new tools? (Select all that apply)

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* 23. Do you have any other feedback, questions, or concerns?

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