Alternative Approval Petition

Thank You for having a look at this petition. We believe the citizens and taxpayers of Squamish should have their say on approximately $28 million in expenditures the District is planning.

This is a required legal process for the District to borrow more money, and for citizens to have their say if their priorities are different.   The District info is here:

If we get the 1,469 needed petitioners for any of the expenditures, we will submit the petition to the District of Squamish and request a referendum or a re-evaluation of the spending.

Select "Yes" for the projects you are opposed to and add the required contact info at the bottom.

Privacy Promise: All info will be deleted after the petition is submitted to the District of Squamish (except email addresses people have given us for updates.
1.I am an elector of the District of Squamish. By my signature below, I hereby indicate that I am OPPOSED to the District proceeding with the adoption of “District of Squamish Public Works Facility Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2845, 2021”, the intent of which is to authorize the borrowing of up to a maximum amount of sixteen million one hundred and sixty one thousand, six hundred and sixteen dollars ($16,161,616) in order for construction of the new Public Works facility to be carried out, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal office, and to do all things necessary in connection therewith to acquire all such real property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for, or in connection with, the construction and acquisition of the said public works facility.
2.Technology Transformation Project

I am an elector of the District of Squamish. By my signature below, I hereby indicate that I am OPPOSED to the District proceeding with the adoption of “District of Squamish Technology Transporation Project Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2850, 2021”, the intent of which is to authorize the borrowing of up to a maximum amount of one million, eighty one thousand, eight hundred and eighteen dollars ($1,081,818) in order for the technology transformation project to be carried out, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal office, and to do all things necessary in connection therewith to acquire all such real property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for, or in connection with, the construction and acquisition of the said technology transformation project.

3.Pioneer Way Extension 

I am an elector of the District of Squamish. By my signature below, I hereby indicate that I am OPPOSED to the District proceeding with the adoption of “District of Squamish Pioneer Way Extension R4 Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2847, 2021”, the intent of which is to authorize the borrowing of up to a maximum amount of three million four hundred and fifty four thousand, and five hundred and forty five dollars ($3,454,545) in order for construction of the Pioneer Way extension to be carried out, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal office, and to do all things necessary in connection therewith to acquire all such real property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for, or in connection with, the construction and acquisition of the said Pioneer Way extension.
4.Potential City Hall Lease

I would also like to request a public consultation before the District of Squamish commits to a long term lease for City Hall and commits future councils to these long term expenses
5.Full Name:
6.Residential Address
7.Are you 18 or Older?
8.Are You A Canadian Citizen?
9.Have you been a resident of the District of Squamish for at least 30 days? 
10.Have you been a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months?
11.Sign Up For the Squamish Forward Emails so keep up to date on the petition progress and engage in the future of Squamish.  
The Legal Stuff

This form may be signed by one or more electors of the District of Squamish.

▪ For the purposes of signing this elector response form, the term “elector” means a person who, at the time of
signing this form, meets the qualifications of the Local Government Act for registration as a resident elector or
as a non-resident property elector of the District of Squamish (see reverse).
▪ Accurate copies of this elector response form may be made and used for signing.
▪ A person may not sign an elector response form more than once.
▪ A person who is not an elector of the District of Squamish must not sign this elector response form.
▪ The full name and residential address of each person signing must be included on this elector response form and, if applicable, also the address of the property in relation to which the person is entitled to register as a non-resident property elector.
▪ Signed elector response forms must be delivered to the Corporate Officer, District of Squamish, 37955 Second Avenue, Squamish, B.C., V8B 0A3, by 4:30 p.m. on February 4, 2022

Non-resident electors:

▪ the person must not be entitled to register as a resident elector of the District of Squamish;
▪ the person must be an individual who is age 18 or older;
▪ the person must be a Canadian citizen;
▪ the person must have been a resident of British Columbia, for at least 6 months;
▪ the person must have been a registered owner of real property in the District of Squamish for at least 30 days;
▪ the person must not be disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law; AND
▪ a person may only register as a non-resident property elector in relation to one parcel of real property in a jurisdiction.