2022 Pre-Conference Workshop Survey

1.What Pre-Conference Workshop did you participate in?(Required.)
2.How rate the convenience of the Pre-Conference Workshop?  (1=poor/very inconvenient, 5=very convenient)(Required.)
3.How would you rate the value of the Pre-Conference Workshop compared to the price of the Pre-Conference Workshop?  (1=low value, 5=amazing/worth the fee)(Required.)
4.How would you rate the content of the Pre-Conference Workshop?  (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing)(Required.)
5.How would you rate the speakers of the Pre-Conference Workshop?  (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing)(Required.)
6.How would you rate the overall experience of the Pre-Conference Workshop?  (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing)(Required.)
7.Please list any other suggestions or provide any additional feedback so we can continue to offer quality Pre-Conference Workshops.