Question Title

* 1. What is your professional status?

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* 2. How did you hear about the conference?

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* 3. How many days of the conference did you attend?

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* 4. The content of the conference sessions was appropriate and informative:

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you with the opening keynote speaker, Peter Shearstone, who spoke on Tuesday, April 30th?

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* 6. How satisfied were you with the Welcome Reception on Monday, May 1st?

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* 7. How satisfied were you with the conference materials provided?

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* 8. Overall, how satisfied were you with the conference facilities?

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* 9. The conference was well organized:

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* 10. The conference staff was helpful and courteous:

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* 11. How Satisfied were you with the CONFlux Mobile App?

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* 12. What was your favorite Track?

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* 13. What was your favorite Session you attended?

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* 14. What would you like to change (or improve) about the conference?

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* 15. What sessions or topics would you like to see included at a future conference?

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* 16. Do you plan to attend this conference again next year?

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* 17. Please enter any final comments or suggestions that you might have for future conferences.

Thank you for helping improve our conference! We hope to see you in Chicago in 2024. Visit the conference website, for more information.