Member Experience Survey (June 2023)

Tell us about your experience at the Skagit Y!

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience at the Skagit Y. Your responses will help us better serve you moving forward!
1.I feel a genuine sense of connection to the Skagit Y community.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
2.Have you developed any relationships at the Y?
3.Do you feel welcomed and accepted at the Y?
4.Please select the following activities you participate in while at the Y.
5.Please select the following areas of the building you use while at the Y.
6.Please rate your satisfaction with the cleanliness and upkeep of the following parts of the building:
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Aquatics Center
Locker Rooms
Wellness Center
Fitness Studios
Y Kids' @ Hoag Corner
Building Exterior
7.Would you recommend joining the Skagit Y to a friend or family member?
8.Feel free to provide any additional context to your previous answers, or provide general constructive feedback that our Y can use to help improve your experience.
We would love to further the conversation about our Y with you. You are welcome to add your name and email address/phone number below if you'd like us to contact you, but it is not required.
10.Email Address/Phone Number
11.Our annual member meeting will take place on Thursday, July 13th at 5:30pm. If you have a question that you'd like our Leadership Team or Board of Directors to answer at the end of the meeting, please write your question here.