Outsourcing Insights -- Fall 2021 Survey (Updated) Question Title * 1. What is your name? First Last Question Title * 2. What is the name of your company? Question Title * 3. By headcount, how much of your customer care, sales, technical support, or other customer-facing communications are currently outsourced? All More than half Less than half None Don't know Question Title * 4. Approximately how many total FTEs do you outsource? Fewer than 100 101–500 501–1,000 1,001–5,000 5,001+ Don't know Question Title * 5. How many different outsourcing partners are you currently utilizing? (Please note: This question refers to partners, not locations.) 1 2–5 6 or More Don't know Question Title * 6. How would you describe the geolocation(s) of the outsourcers you currently work with? (Select all that apply) Domestic Nearshore Offshore Don't know Question Title * 7. Have you physically visited any of your Outsourcing partner(s) sites, or prospective Outsourcing partner sites, in the last 6-12 months? Yes No Don't Know/Not Sure Question Title * 8. To which geolocation(s) do you expect to shift more of your outsourced work in the future? (Select all that apply) Domestic Nearshore Offshore No expected changes Don't know Question Title * 9. Which engagement type(s) do you currently outsource? (Select all that apply) Customer Care (voice) Sales (voice) Technical Support (voice) Customer Care (chat) Sales (chat) Technical Support (chat) Email Social Media Don't Know Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Which engagement type(s) do you currently handle in-house? (Select all that apply) Customer Care (voice) Sales (voice) Technical Support (voice) Customer Care (chat) Sales (chat) Technical Support (chat) Email Social Media None (everything is outsourced) Don't Know Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What commercial model(s) do you use with your current Outsourcing partners? (Check all that apply.) Per Minute/Per Hour Per Full-Time Employee Per Contract/Per Interaction Risk/Reward Basis Don't Know/Can't Disclose Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Generally speaking, would you describe your outsourcers as being in any way challenged in meeting your current needs and expectations? Significantly challenged Somewhat challenged Minimally challenged Not challenged at all Don't Know/Not Sure Question Title * 13. Please briefly describe some of the challenges faced by your outsourcers in meeting your needs and expectations, and how they intend on addressing these challenges. Question Title * 14. In general, how satisfied are you with your current Outsourcing partners? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. What percentage of your outsourced workforce is currently WFH, and what percentage do you want/expect to have WFH in 1–3 years? Currently Work-From-Home (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) WFH Wanted In 1–3 Years (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) WFH Expected in 1–3 Years (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) Question Title * 16. What percentage of your in-house workforce is currently WFH, and what percentage do you want/expect to have WFH in 1–3 years? Currently Work-From-Home (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) WFH Wanted in 1–3 years (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) WFH Expected in 1–3 years (Please provide an answer between 0-100%) Question Title * 17. Which aspect(s) of work-from-home are currently your biggest causes for concern? (Please select no more than three answers) Agent engagement/supervision Quality of work/performance Workplace security/privacy Connectivity/internet Recruiting/Hiring Training/coaching Data security Transference of company culture Technology/agent tools Work environment/professionalism Question Title * 18. Generally speaking, in which area is your current Outsourcing providers succeeding in best meeting or exceeding your needs and expectations? Agent quality and performance Containing costs Change management Program performance and management Communication and responsiveness Data and workplace security Adequate staffing (i.e., hiring, attrition, and absenteeism) Strategic alignment Transitioning to work-from-home Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. Generally speaking, in which area is your current Outsourcing providers failing in best meeting or exceeding your needs and expectations? Containing costs Communication and responsiveness Data and workplace security Change management Adequate staffing (i.e., hiring, attrition, and absenteeism) Strategic alignment Program performance and management Agent quality and performance Transitioning to work-from-home Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. In your experience, focusing on which area of your Outsourcing partnership(s) tends to result in the greatest return on your efforts? Improving agent training and coaching Strengthening relationships and strategic alignment Improving agent engagement and well-being Streamlining processes Reassessment of performance metrics Updating program tools and technology Improving agent recruiting and hiring processes and requirements Strengthening program components (such as Quality Assurance or incentive programs) Other (please specify) Question Title * 21. In the past 18 months, have you made any changes to your Outsourcing partner portfolio? Yes No Don't Know Question Title * 22. What was the primary factor driving the change that occurred? Business growth Dissatisfaction with performance Business decline Misalignment of capabilities Cost Launch of new program Expansion of unassisted solutions Strategic realignment Other (please specify) Question Title * 23. Are you currently looking to make future changes to your Outsourcing partner portfolio? Yes No Maybe/Depends Don't Know Question Title * 24. What is the primary factor driving this change or potential change? Security concerns (data or otherwise) Launch of new program Expansion of unassisted solutions Cost Dissatisfaction with performance Business growth Misalignment of capabilities Business decline Strategic realignment Other (please specify) Question Title * 25. How would you describe your level of confidence in your current Business Continuity Plan (BCP)? Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not at all confident Don't know/Not sure Question Title * 26. When it comes to Outsourcing, which topic needs more industry discussion and exposure? (Please pick no more than 3 answers.) Agent attrition and absenteeism Agent recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding Agent training and coaching Managing and monitoring performance (KPIs and metrics) Overflow and flex staffing solutions Contracting, price models, and RFP/RFQ processes Data and/or workplace security Company culture transference New and emerging BPO locations Optimizing work-from-home and hybrid models Creating partnerships Business Continuity Planning New tools and technology Utilizing Outsourcing program data (VoC, VoE, Business Intelligence, etc.) Agent engagement and wellness Other (please specify) Done