
Purpose of the survey

To identify the opportunities and barriers for recording and sharing data on invasive plant species across different land tenures.

The survey has been extended to Friday 6th December at 5pm.

How will the information from the survey be used?

The results from the survey will be summarised into a report for The Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party (VSTWP), the Victorian Gorse Taskforce (VGT) and the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce (VBT).

The report will also be distributed to organisations responsible for invasive species data collection in Victoria. It will serve as a foundation for the VSTWP project aimed at enhancing data sharing practices for the mapping and management of invasive species. This will include Victorian Government and Invasive Species Peak Bodies to guide the development of invasive species community data collection applications.

We have also included the option to provide an Executive Summary of the report to those who complete this survey. Should you wish to receive a copy, please add your email address at the end of the survey. The Executive Summary will be sent out in early 2025 and de-identified.


Serrated tussock, gorse and blackberries pose a significant risk to both biodiversity and agricultural production throughout Victoria. The VSTWP, VGT and VBT are three incorporated not for profit organisations which focus their efforts on controlling these invasive species. Together, these groups are interested in opportunities to enhance data collection and sharing to drive targeted invasive weed control across Victoria and facilitate community input. RM Consulting Group have been engaged by the VSTWP, VGT and VBT to undertake this project, with funding provided by the Victorian Government Partnerships Against Pests Program 2024.

The survey should not take any more than 15 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating.