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The Council on Podiatric Medical Education is seeking your input concerning the revisions made to the Specialty Board Recognition Committee's (SBRC) documents CPME 220 and 230. Please review the proposed revisions on the CPME website ( and provide your feedback within this survey.

Note that this survey is being used to collect the comments submitted during the open call for comment period.

Per CPME 230, Procedures for Recognition of a Specialty Board for Podiatric Medical Practice, the evaluation/recognition procedures described in this publication as well as the criteria described in CPME publication 220, Criteria and Guidelines for Recognition of a Specialty Board for Podiatric Medical Practice, serve as the primary documents used by SBRC (formerly known as the Joint Committee on the Recognition of Specialty Boards or JCRSB) for the review and recognition of specialty boards. The revised criteria and procedures were developed by an ad hoc advisory committee and approved by the CPME for dissemination to the community of interest. Prior to adoption, the publications are disseminated widely in order to obtain information regarding how these will affect the community of interest.

Draft I revisions of CPME publications 220 and 230 will be open for comment until July 15, 2024. Following a review of the comments from the community of interest, the proposed revisions to CPME publications 220 and 230 will be considered for final adoption by the Council during its October 2024 meeting.

Comments may be submitted through this survey or separately through email sent to the CPME Executive Director, Heather Stagliano, at

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* 1. What is your primary role for the purposes of completing this survey?

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* 2. Are you in agreement with the revisions made to the introduction and the general flow of CPME 220?

Substantive changes include:
· Removed references to APMA's involvement in the CPME’s Specialty Board Recognition Committee.

· Criteria and guidelines terminology used in the previous version of CPME 220 and 230 is now referred to as standards and requirements.

· Autonomy of Specialty Boards moved to Introduction.

· Edited flow of document by moving standards and requirements to better match sections of document.

· Removed redundancies from document and added new standards and requirements to better define the requirements.

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* 3. Within Standard 1, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 4. Within Standard 2, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 5. Within Standard 3, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 6. Within Standard 4, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 7. Within Standard 5, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include:
Requirement 5.2: Added requirement of having a public member on a membership-elected governing board.

Requirement 5.6: Clarified that a specialty board shall only recognize attributes and specialty training within the scope of its own specialty board.

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* 8. Within Standard 6, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include:
Requirement 6.3: Added requirement for specialty boards to establish “well-defined, rigorous, transparent, and equitable alternative pathways for initial board certification for those candidates that do not qualify under 6.2” (those that have not completed a minimum of three years of CPME-approved residency training).

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* 9. Within Standard 7, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include:
Strengthened standard 7: Examination.

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* 10. Within Standard 8, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include: Requirement 8.4: Clarified that “The specialty board shall only grant additional credentials related to their specialty area of expertise following approval from the CPME.”

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* 11. Within Standard 9, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 12. Within Standard 10, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 13. Within Standard 11, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include: Requirement 11.3: Added that “The specialty board shall receive prior approval from the CPME before implementing a substantive change.”

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* 14. Within Standard 12, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include: Added new standard related to Subspecialty Certification (standard 12) that includes the requirement “Boards offering a subspecialty certification shall require the completion of a CPME-approved residency program and a minimum of one (1) year of fellowship training in a CPME-approved fellowship or an alternative pathway that will be available for 10 years following approval of the subspecialty. The specialty board shall identify a rigorous process reflective of the subspecialty’s Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) for the alternative pathway.”

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* 15. Are you in agreement with adding standard 13 to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include: Added new standard related to Professionalism (standard 13).

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* 16. Are you in agreement with adding standard 14 to CPME 220?

Substantive changes include: Added new standard related to Continuous Certification (standard 14).

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* 17. Overall, how satisfied are you with the revisions made to CPME 220?

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* 18. Concerning CPME 230, numerous revisions were made as they relate to the following. Please rate your level of agreement with these revisions.

· Added section concerning policies and procedures as they relate to “Requirements for Recognition of a New Specialty Board” and procedures of withdrawal or termination of an initial application.

· Clarified Application Review and Recognition Action.

· Outlined procedure of SBRC review and CPME action for considerations of continuing recognition.

· Clarified categories of recognition and added Recognition with Report category.

· Provided greater detail concerning notification of CPME actions.

· Added procedural reconsideration, reconsideration, and appeals processes to document.

· Detailed information provided concerning substantive changes.

· Clarified that CPME actions and recognition disclosures, along with any areas of noncompliance, will be posted on the CPME website.

· Added section concerning complaints, nondiscrimination policy, and document reviews.

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* 19. Within CPME 230, please rate your level of agreement with the following revisions.

· New policies were created as they relate to subspecialty certification and clarified that CPME does not recognize certificates of added qualification (CAQs). Specialty boards can only offer their primary certification(s) and subspecialty certification(s). Specialty boards cannot offer certificate of added qualification (CAQ), focused areas of practice, or other forms of recognition, only primary and subspecialty certifications.

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* 20. Within CPME 230, please rate your level of agreement with the following revisions.

· Added Extension, Alternative Pathways, and Transition of Residency Program Requirements and Board Certification Policies.

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* 21. Overall, how satisfied are you with the revisions made to CPME 230?

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* 22. Please provide any other comments concerning the revisions made to CPME 220 or 230.

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