Rewrite of CPME College Documents CPME 120 and CPME 130 2025 |
1. Introduction
Every six years the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME or Council) engages in a comprehensive review of the standards, requirements, and procedures for accrediting colleges of podiatric medicine. The last comprehensive review and revisions to CPME 120, Standards and Requirements for Accrediting Colleges of Podiatric Medicine and CPME 130, Procedures for Accrediting Colleges of Podiatric Medicine were finalized in 2019. The interim review of these publications, which begins three years following adoption of the publications, was finalized in 2023. The Council’s 2025 document revision schedule includes a comprehensive review of CPME 120 and CPME 130 related to college evaluation and accreditation.
As part of the document review process, CPME will appoint an ad hoc advisory committee comprised of representatives of the community of interest related to podiatric medical education to review the standards, requirements, and procedures for accreditation of colleges.
CPME wishes to obtain the opinions of the community of interest concerning crucial elements of college accreditation and requests your assistance in providing information that is important to this project. The following survey is designed to provide some baseline information for consideration by the committee. Although the survey is anonymous, we do ask that you provide some basic information.