14 November All School BBQ RSVP

Join us at the Bendigo Violet Street All School BBQ on Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 3:15pm.

By RSVPing it makes it easier to plan and purchase the supplies we need - THANK YOU!

We would love your help, please let us know if you can! 
1.Everyone in your family is invited, how many people will be attending the BBQ?
2.Please specify any dietary requirements
3.Can you help with the setting up, cooking, serving or packing up?
4.If you said you can help, do you have a Working With Children's Check?
It is a requirement of the school that volunteers have a WWCC, you can get a volunteer one here: https://www.vic.gov.au/working-with-children-check
5.If you would like to volunteer please leave your phone number