Please answer all questions.

Topics will be reviewed by panel members and editors on a quarterly basis.  Any questions, please email CPG Managing Editor, Namrita Sidhu,  Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Nominator details:

Question Title

* 2. What is your suggested title/topic?

Question Title

* 3. Why is this topic relevant and important to the practice of physical therapy?

Question Title

* 4. Describe any variation in care related to the proposed topic.

Question Title

* 5. What is the prevalence of the proposed topic?

Question Title

* 6. How will having a CPG on this topic help patient care or outcomes?

Question Title

* 7. Are there any existing CPGs on this topic?

Question Title

* 8. Is there evidence from high quality studies (e.g. clinical trials and/or systematic reviews) to address this topic?