Colorado Accessible Online Ballot Survey

This survey should be completed by Colorado voters who voted by ?Colorado's online accessible ballot in the 2020 United States general election.
1.How were you notified of the accessible online ballot delivery system?
2.Why did you use the accessible online ballot delivery system?
3.I thought the accessible online ballot system was easy to use:
4.Did you encounter any of the following barriers accessing the system? Check all that apply.
5.If you had difficulty using personal assistive technology, which device did you have difficulty using? Check all that apply.
6.Please describe any additional barriers to accessing the online ballot.
7.Did you encounter any problems having your online ballot populated with the correct information? If so, please describe.
8.Please describe any additional barriers to filling out your online ballot.
9.I felt very confident that my vote was marked correctly with the online ballot system:
10.Did you encounter any barriers while submitting or turning in your ballot? If so, please describe.
11.Were you able to track your ballot?
12.Did you encounter any barriers in tracking your ballot? If so, please describe.
13.Did the pandemic provide any additional barriers to your voting experience? If so, please describe.
14.I think that most people could learn to use the accessible online ballot delivery system:
15.Would you have participated in this election if the online ballot system was not available?
16.Would you use this system again in future elections?
17.Overall, how satisfied were you with the online ballot system?
18.Is there any additional information you would like to provide?