We need your feedback!

We invite our residential building and renovations members who are not generally permitted to work inside occupied premises during lockdowns, to participate in this important survey regarding the recently announced Victorian and Commonwealth Government's COVID support funding for small businesses. 
Your feedback is vital to help form a crucial part of Master Builders Victoria (MBV's) ongoing advocacy work, performed on your behalf. 
Currently, the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments have confirmed that small businesses with a payroll of up to $10 million who have experienced a 70 per cent or greater reduction in revenue will be eligible for grants of up to $10,000. 

The State Government has indicated that it will continue to work with us, and other sections of the building and construction industry that are impacted by the issue such as plumbers and electricians, to devise the criteria for this new support package. The new funding criteria will be vital to ensure support is provided to these businesses, if and when, future lockdowns are implemented.
It is important to note that, whilst MBV will have an input into this process, the final criteria will be set by Government. 
Your contribution to this survey will further assist MBV to gather data and help us present an evidence-based case to Government as they determine fair and appropriate eligibility criteria for the funding. 

This survey closes at COB on Wednesday 18 August 2021. Don't miss out to have your say!

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* 1. Name of your business:

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* 2. Are you a current Master Builders Victoria Member?

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* 3. Your MBV Member number (optional):

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* 4. Are you a residential builder or tradesperson?

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* 5. Do you offer renovation services?

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* 6. Is your business registered with the VBA?

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* 7. Is your business registered for GST?

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* 8. What is your business’ annual turnover $$ (optional):

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* 9. How many staff does your business employ?

NOTE: Questions 10 - 17 below pertain to the time period / duration of the 2 most recent lockdowns in Victoria.

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* 10. Total number of DAYS you were unable to perform work INSIDE occupied premises: 

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* 11. Total number of DAYS you were unable to perform work OUTSIDE occupied premises:

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* 12. Your total revenue downturn/loss (due to the 2 most recent lockdowns):

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* 13. During this time, did you have to stand-down any employees? If YES...

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* 14. During this time, did you have to stop paying yourself a wage? If YES, what percentage of your wage?

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* 15. During this time, did you have to lay-off/dismiss any employees permanently? If YES, how many?

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* 16. How have the lockdowns affected your ongoing pipeline/schedule of works?

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* 17. As a residential builder or tradesperson, what would be most beneficial to you in a support package?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback will play a crucial part in our recommendations to Government regarding the allocation and eligibility criteria for support funding.