Satisfaction and residential opinion

The City of Buckhannon is conducting a survey to learn how satisfied residents are with the current options for remote access to City Council and Utility Meetings, as well as options for conducting business with the City, during the statewide COVID-19 shutdown this spring and throughout the ongoing COVID-19 safer at home order. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and responses will remain anonymous. The survey will only take about 4-5 minutes of your time. Thank you for your feedback

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* 1. Were you aware that City council meetings were live-streamed by the local public access television, (channel 3) on their Facebook page?

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* 2. Did you view or participate in the City Council meetings that channel 3 live-streamed?

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* 3. Did you want to watch the City Council meeting, but were not able to via the options provided?

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* 4. How was the quality of the audio and video?

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* 5. Currently Channel 3 is broadcasting on Facebook and YouTube, would there be any other platforms you would like to see used?

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* 6. Would you like to see these meetings to be available indefinitely online in the future?

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* 7. Were there any problems or barriers that prevented you from viewing these meetings?

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* 8. Would a webcam video stream of the City Council meetings' agenda guests and remote participants improve the virtual meeting format?