A. The Grantee, and any of its subcontractors, shall comply with the requirements under R.C. section 125.111. The Grantee, and
any of its subcontractors, shall not discriminate against anyone because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national
origin, ancestry, or military status.
B. The Grantee certifies that both the Grantee and any of its subcontractors are in compliance with all applicable federal and
state laws, as well as rules and regulations governing fair labor and employment practices.
C. The Division encourages both the Grantee and any of its subcontractors to purchase goods and services from certified Minority Business Enterprise (“MBE”) and Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity (“EDGE”) vendors.
5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The Grantee shall not have any interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible or in conflict with
the carrying out of the terms of this Agreement.
6. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS: The Grantee hereby certifies that all applicable parties are in full compliance with Divisions (I)
and (J) of R.C. Section 3517.13.
7. OHIO ETHICS CLAUSE: Per R.C. 102.04 (D): The Grantee affirms by their signature they and any members conducting the
research are:
A. He / she or any members are not elected or appointed to an office of or employed by the General Assembly or any department, division, institution, instrumentality, board, commission, or bureau of the State, excluding the Courts,
B. If the Grantee or members of the research project are appointed or employed as described above, then the Grantee affirms by
his / her signature that he / she is a public official appointed to a non-elective office or is a public employee, but, is exempt from
the provisions of R.C. 102.04 (A), (B), or (C) because,
I. The Grantee is supplying the good and / or services that are subject of the agreement to an agency other than the one withwhich he / she serves; AND
II. The Grantee has filed the required statements with the following agencies:
a) The appropriate ethics commission; AND
b) The public agency with which he / she serves; AND
c) The public agency to which the goods and / or services will be provided.
Grantees agree to abide by the Ohio Ethics Law as set forth in R.C. chapter 102, especially section 102.04, and chapter 2921
sections 2921.42, and 2921.43.
Board, Committee, and Work Group members whose employers wish to apply for funding must disclose this fact to the
Executive Director of EMS as soon as they become aware or at the time of application, whichever is earlier. Such members must not participate (e.g., discuss, deliberate, and / or vote) on the topics and / or topics involving grants, participate in any way in
the application process, or advise the individuals who are applying for the grant. Board, Committee, and Work Group members must abstain from discussing, deliberating, or voting in any situation where there is a conflict of interest, where their employer or another associate is the grant applicant, or if there is an appearance of impropriety.
Board, Committee, and Work Group members are prohibited from receiving funding from the grant, nor can they perform work
in furtherance of, or act as a consultant on the grant; recusal from discussing, deliberating, and / or voting on the grant will NOT overcome this prohibition.
Applicants are responsible for knowing and understanding the Ohio Ethics Law. Violations can result in a grant application
being rejected, terminated, and / or in criminal prosecution.