Information from this survey will be used to aid the Lead Pastor Search Committee in the process of selecting a pastor.  It will assist in the evaluation of our unique needs as a congregation as well as allow prospective pastors an insight into who we are.  Because the committee is trying to move quickly to develop a profile of our church, we ask that these surveys be completed by February 17th.  All teenagers (13+) and adults are encouraged to fill out.  Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a member or non-member?

Question Title

* 2. Length of time attending Covenant Grove Church?

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate sex:

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your age range:

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate your ethnic background:

Question Title

* 6. Do you serve on a ministry team at Covenant Grove?

Question Title

* 7. Do you participate in a life group?

Question Title

* 8. What are your hopes for the future of our church?  Please be as specific as possible.

Strengths and Weaknesses of our Congregation

Question Title

* 9. Please evaluate the relative strength of our church in these ministry areas. 

  Weakness Some weakness Average Some strength Very strong
Community outreach
Doctrinal teaching
Global mission support
Managing conflict
Ministry to children
Ministry to youth
Ministry to singles
Ministry to young adults
Ministry to families
Ministry to men
Ministry to women
Ministry to seniors
Commitment to the mission
Denominational participation
Openness to change
Cooperation with other churches
Life Groups
Caring for the poor (Benevolence)
Spiritual Growth
Making visitors feel welcome
Church services
Fiscal responsibility (Stewardship)
Sunday School
Being goal-oriented
Defining our mission and vision statements
Congregational Interests

Question Title

* 10. Please mark the answer that you feel is the most accurate?

  False Somewhat false Somewhat true True Very true
Our congregation cares about each other
Our congregation volunteers readily for church activities
Our congregation gives generous financial support to the mission
Our church family that experience hardship find a safe haven in our church
Our congregation supports the council and staff
The leadership council and staff encourages the use of the congregation's talents in the church services
The council and staff sets Godly examples for the congregation
Our congregation cooperated well with our previous pastor
Our next pastor can count on the wholehearted cooperation of the congregation

Question Title

* 11. Desired Professional Qualities of Our Next Pastor

  Unimportant Somewhat unimportant Somewhat important Important Super important
Pastoral care
Problem solving
Ministry development
Ministering to youth and children
Ministering to families
Ministering to seniors
Church administration
Conflict resolution
Community involvement
Cooperation with the leadership council
Setting vision and goals
Leadership development

Question Title

* 12. Our Expectations for the New Pastor
Please rank these most important to least important.   

Question Title

* 13. Is there anything else you would like to share with the pastor search committee?