Benefits of COSEE Membership:
• Access to consortium dissemination vehicles (email listserv, member newsletter, social media)
• Opportunities to partner with consortium members in activities and proposal development through targeted Consortium workshops and meetings
• Staying current with advancements and effective practices in ocean sciences education through Consortium workshops and meetings
• Reduce registration fees for Consortium workshops
• Institution’s name and website link on the COSEE website
• A seat on the Governing Council
• Opportunity to join Consortium working groups
• Opportunity to network with individuals and institutions that share similar goals through monthly teleconferences

Membership is based on a calendar year (January – December)

Question Title

* 1. Primary Contact Name

Question Title

* 2. Organization

Question Title

* 3. Organization Type

Question Title

* 4. Address

Question Title

* 5. City

Question Title

* 6. State

Question Title

* 7. Zip

Question Title

* 8. Phone

Question Title

* 9. Fax

Question Title

* 10. Email

Question Title

* 11. Confirm email

Question Title

* 12. 2017 Institutional Member Tiers (Please check the level that applies to your institution):