CORE-CACFP Online Course Evaluation

Thank you for previewing the CORE online training course. Please provide your feedback by completing this brief survey.

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* 1. How many years of CACFP experience do you have?

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* 2. How many years of training experience do you have?

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* 3. Do you provide training and/or technical assistance directly to sponsoring organizations? 

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* 4. Do you develop State agency policy related to the CACFP?

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* 5. Are you a part of State agency management?

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* 6. Do you have any other primary role within your State agency (other than the ones stated above)?

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* 7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The overall course objectives were clearly stated.
The objectives for each lesson was clear and concise.
All the objectives mentioned for the overall CORE-CACFP online course and each lesson was met.
Overall, this course provided sufficient content to assist our sponsoring organizations with understanding financial viability.
The CORE-CACFP online course was engaging and visually appealing.
The CORE-CACFP online course was easy to navigate and understand.
When given the opportunity, I will recommend this CORE-CACFP online course to sponsoring organizations in my State.
I believe sponsoring organizations will benefit from this CORE-CACFP online course.

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* 8. How long did it take for you to complete the CORE-CACFP online course?

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* 9. What did you enjoy most about the CORE-CACFP online course?

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* 10. Use the space below to provide any additional feedback for the training and design team regarding this CORE-CACFP online course:

Question Title

* 11. Please provide your contact information below (optional):