COP Catalyst Grant - Full application

Please complete this form and upload your application to apply to the 2025 Canadian Lung Association: COPD Catalyst Grant Competition. The competition guidelines and the application form can be found on the Canadian Lung Association website.

This competition is for Early Career Investigators (ECIs), defined as a researcher who has held an independent research appointment for a period of 0-60 months at the competition deadline.

Applications will be considered for research proposals related to the diagnosis, treatment, and/or mechanism of disease for people living with COPD. Applications deemed outside these areas will be eliminated from the competition.

Catalyst grants are scalable research studies that can be pilot studies, feasibility studies, translational studies, and novel and innovative approaches. Research projects must be new and not the continuation of an existing project.

Applicants should be creative and with the potential to benefit people living with this lung disease. Even though the long-term goals for a project may extend beyond the means and timeline of this grant, within one year the results of Catalyst projects should enable the development of funding proposals that are eligible for submission to national or international peer-reviewed competitions.

Full Application deadline: November 6, 2024 by 16:00EDT
Award Period: April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Collaborator #1 Contact Information (If Applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Collaborator #2 Contact Information (If Applicable)

Question Title

* 4. Collaborator #3 Contact Information (If Applicable)

Question Title

* 5. Suggested Reviewer #1

Question Title

* 6. Suggested Reviewer #2

Question Title

* 7. Suggested Reviewer #3

Question Title

* 8. Project Title

Question Title

* 9. Keywords - Please enter up to 5 keywords that identify your research project

Question Title

* 10. Upload your application

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