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Connexis has created this scholarship to help our ākonga (learners) reach their full potential. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide the experience required to become the next generation of leaders in the infrastructure industry.

The Professional Outward Bound course is a five-day programme structured for aspiring leaders. The scholarship covers the course fee cost as well as essential travel and accommodation costs which will be arranged by Connexis.

Course Information
There are three Proessional courses available, beginning in September. Please let us know which courses you will be able to attend in the field below.

Thursday 5th Sep – Monday 9th Sep
Sunday 8th Sep – Thursday 12th Sep
Thursday 12th Sep – Tuesday 16th Sep

Both courses will require the participant to be in Picton by 11am on the starting day, with a 3pm return to Picton on the final day.

Scholarships Terms, Conditions, and Eligibility
Please ensure you and your learner are aware of the Terms, Conditions, and Eligibility criteria required below, before completing the application:

• 1 year (12 months) minimum as a learner with Connexis.
• Cannot have received a previous Connexis Outward Bound scholarship.
• The value of scholarship is to cover Outward Bound course fees and essential travel and accommodation arranged by Connexis.
• Nominated learners must be qualified by a Connexis CSAM so as to ensure criteria is met.
• All nominations must be submitted by the submission cut off date: 23 July
• Nominee information will be confidential unless the nominee has agreed to a follow-up for media purposes.
• Employer must agree to grant the required leave for the nominee to attend the Outward Bound course, allowing days for travel, where required.

Outward Bound Requirements
• Nominated learners must be between 18 - 40 years of age at the time of application.
• Accepted participants must complete a medical clearance through a GP as part of the Outward Bound enrolment process.
• Accepted participants must be fit enough to walk or run 3.2km in under 25 minutes and be able to complete a full day of activities.

For the full list of Outward Bound guidelines around health, fitness and gear, please visit
Basic Information

All fields must be completed by a manager or supervisor of the nominated learner.

Question Title

Your first/given name

Question Title

Your surname

Question Title

Your company

Question Title

Your email

Question Title

Nominee's National Student Number (NSN) (please ensure this is correct)

Question Title

Nominee's first/given name

Question Title

Nominee's surname name

Question Title

Nominee's date of birth

Question Title

Nominee's email

Question Title

Nominee's Customer Service Area Manager (CSAM)

Question Title

Please select which courses they are available to attend:

Nominee Leadership Questions

Please answer these to the best of your ability. the level of detail provided will strengthen the application.

Question Title

How does your nominee demonstrate leadership qualities and skills in the workplace currently? Please provide any examples.

Question Title

How do you believe your nominee and your company will benefit from them attending the Outward Bound course?

Question Title

How will you be able to support your nominee’s leadership development after the completion of their Outward Bound course?

Question Title


All applications will be considered by Connexis in due course. Connexis may request additional information from you, the nominee, or their CSAM.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Ngā mihi,
The Connexis Marketing Team