
Question Title

* Please provide the following information

Quick feedback: This helps us to design the most relevant educational programs for you.

Question Title

* Please rate the following: (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Overall quality of this symposium
Design and format
The relevance of the topics covered in this symposium

Question Title

* How well did the learning activity fulfil the following learning objectives?

After this symposium, I am able to:

  Extremely well Very well Quite well Not well at all
Describe the therapeutic changes in the treatment landscape of MM and the advantages brought by new immunotherapy agents
Discuss sequencing strategies and factors influencing treatment selection for subsequent treatment lines
Analyze available data on ADCs in relapsed MM and strategies to manage AEs associated with these agents

Question Title

* This activity:

  Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree
Was based on relevant and current/new evidence
Has increased my knowledge of the subject
Has increased my confidence in this subject
Was focused on competencies relevant to my practice
Will help me improve patient care within my clinical practice

Question Title

* Following completion of this symposium, will you make any measurable changes in practice?

Question Title

* If Yes/Possibly, what changes are you likely to make?

Question Title

* If “No, I am unable to at this time”, what are the barriers that prevent you from making changes?

Question Title

* Did you feel there was any bias in the educational content?

Question Title

* If Yes, provide what type of bias did you feel was present?

Question Title

* Would you recommend this symposium to a colleague?

Question Title

* What topics would you like to see in future educational activities?