About the applicant

Disclaimer: this information is being collected solely for internal administrative use regarding the application and will not be shared.

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Business Name

Question Title

* 3. Business Address

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. Vendor Number (see grant description page for details)

Question Title

* 7. Name of event/campaign (if applicable)

Question Title

* 8. Name of event/campaign (if applicable)

Question Title

* 9. Please list the businesses that are collaborating.

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* 10. Please describe the funding request.

Question Title

* 11. Is this marketing effort finite (defined start and end to the campaign) vs. ongoing? If ongoing, please describe what maintenance of this effort looks like, including how to include new businesses and remove old ones.

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* 12. Please describe the goals of this marketing effort and how the applicant(s) intend to reach these goals.

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* 13. Funding request amount

Question Title

* 14. File Upload (optional)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 15. Is there anything else you’d like the Review Committee to know when considering your application?