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London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan Survey

About the London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan

The City of London Housing Stability Action Plan 2019 – 2024 and Middlesex County Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan 2019 – 2024 are being reviewed in 2024. Under the Housing Services Act, 2011, Service Managers are required to review their homeless prevention and housing plans every five years. Local plans must extend for a period of 10 years after the review.

The Purpose of the Review

The purpose of the review process is to ensure the County of Middlesex and the City of London have a transformational community plan that strategically informs homeless prevention and housing over the next ten years. The review is an opportunity for the County of Middlesex and the City of London to identify local community needs to be addressed.

Be Part of Developing the Next London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan

You are invited to share your ideas about strategies and actions for the London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan. All feedback will be compiled and used to create draft strategies and actions for the London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan that will guide the City of London and County of Middlesex over the next ten years. The survey will be available until November 15, 2024, to receive community insights. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas!

How to Provide Feedback and Share Your Ideas

There are four Strategic Areas of Focus in the City of London Housing Stability Action Plan 2019-2024 that you can comment on through this survey. The Strategic Areas of Focus are outlined in the figure below. You can choose to provide feedback on one, two, three, or all four of the Strategic Areas of Focus, depending on your interests.

Strategic Area of Focus 1:
Respond to the Homelessness Crisis

To learn more about how London is responding to the homelessness crisis and the strategies and actions being implemented to assist you in responding to the questions in this section, please review Fact Sheet 1: Respond to the Homelessness Crisis.
1.What do you think is going well with responding to the homelessness crisis in London?
2.What solutions or actions would you recommend to improve how London responds to the homelessness crisis in the next five to ten years?
3.Thinking beyond the need for financial resources, what is required to implement your solutions or recommendations (e.g., land, systems, operational review)?
Strategic Area of Focus 2:
Provide Housing Supports

To learn more about how London is providing housing supports and the strategies and actions being implemented, please review Fact Sheet 2: Provide Housing Supports.
4.What do you think is going well with providing housing supports in London?
5.What solutions or actions would you recommend to improve how London provides housing supports in the next five to ten years?
6.Thinking beyond the need for financial resources, what is required to implement your solutions or recommendations (e.g., land, systems, operational review)?
Strategic Area of Focus 3:
Create More Housing Stock

To learn more about how London is creating more housing stock and the strategies and actions being implemented, please review Fact Sheet 3: Create More Housing Stock.
7.What do you think is going well with creating more housing stock in London?
8.What solutions or actions would you recommend to improve how London creates more housing stock in the next five to ten years?
9.Thinking beyond the need for financial resources, what is required to implement your solutions or recommendations (e.g., land, systems, operational review)?
Strategic Area of Focus 4:
Transform the Service System

To learn more about how London is transforming the service system and the strategies and actions being implemented, please review Fact Sheet 4: Transform the Service System.
10.What do you think is going well with transforming the service system in London?
11.What solutions or actions would you recommend to improve how London transforms the service system in the next five to ten years?
12.Thinking beyond the need for financial resources, what is required to implement your solutions or recommendations (e.g., land, systems, operational review)?
Thank you for sharing your insights and ideas to help build the next London-Middlesex Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan.
13.If there is anything that you would like to share related to housing or homelessness in London that does not fit into the four Strategic Areas of Focus, please feel free to share it below.