Thank you for your application to join the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV. We appreciate your interest in contributing to the important work of addressing the HIV epidemic and supporting our communities. At this time, we would like to inform you that, except for eligible unaffiliated consumer applicants, all other applications will be placed on hold until a vacancy becomes available. The Commission is currently assessing its membership structure and effectiveness as part of a broader organizational review. In the coming months, we will be exploring potential restructuring to optimize how the Commission operates, which may impact membership opportunities and requirements. As seats become available, your application will be reviewed and considered for eligible vacancies, and we will notify you appropriately. We look forward to welcoming you to the Commission in the future. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to Sonja Wright at sdwright@lachiv.org.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member on the Commission on HIV. Please complete this Membership Application (Application) in its entirety and submit electronically where prompted. This Application will take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. For questions or assistance in completing this Application, please contact Commission staff at hivcomm@lachiv.org or at 213.738.2816.
Once the Application is submitted, Commission staff will review the Application for completeness and will notify you regarding next steps.
A paper version of this Application is available by printing the Application where prompted or by contacting Commission staff to have an Application sent to you.
Again, If you would like assistance in completing the Application or have questions concerning the membership application process, please contact Commission staff at hivcomm@lachiv.org or at 213.738.2816. For more information regarding the Commission, please visit our website at https://hiv.lacounty.gov.
*Questions requiring responses are preceded by an asterisk.