We are a group of third-year Occupational Therapy students working alongside Student Success as part of our Fieldwork 5 project in Semester 2. Our aim is to improve the experiences of young ākonga at Otago Polytechnic through enhancing belonging to support their sustained engagement in education at the polytech.

You are invited to complete this survey as part of this project as you are an ākonga aged 18 or under. It will only take about 5 minutes to complete.

Should you agree to take part in this survey, you will be asked to provide your opinions and your understanding of your own experiences of being a younger student at Otago Polytechnic, and of the challenges and barriers you have faced since starting here and things that have gone well for you or made you feel supported in this space.

We will gather this information to understand how to improve the experience of young ākonga at Otago Polytechnic and to understand how to support continued engagement in education. The information you share with us will contribute to the project outcomes and report.

You can decline to participate without any disadvantage to yourself. If you choose to participate in the survey, you can stop participating at any time without having to give a reason. You can decline to answer any question.

Personal identifying data will not be gathered. Your views will be reported together with the views of other participants and will not be directly quoted in the final report. The raw data will be securely stored until the end of the project, when it will be destroyed.

If you have any questions, now or in the future, or if you wish to request a copy of the results, please contact Celia.Hepburn@op.ac.nz

The full participant information sheet is viewable at this link: https://otagopoly-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/bergs3_student_op_ac_nz/Eaj553kP8HxPtfIrnYcUgqcBer0QoVjjCOVEDk4zAlzNMQ?e=h0Jh8t