I. Identification of Project
A list of active CNMS user projects can be found HERE

Question Title

1. Enter the CNMS Proposal Number for this request (ex. CNMS2024-A-001):

Question Title

2. Principal Investigator and Institution

Question Title

3. Proposal Title

II. Progress Summary

Question Title

4. Estimate the current progress toward meeting the goals of your user project by marking the appropriate box below.

Question Title

5. Do you wish to continue this project with the same research objectives, technical approach, and level of CNMS time and resources approved in your original user proposal?

Skip the remaining questions in this section if you answered 0%, not yet started

Question Title

6. List the most significant objectives that have already been achieved in this project. (3 items or less)

Question Title

7. List the most significant objectives that have not been achieved in this project so far. (3 items or less)

Question Title

8. Identify the most significant obstacle(s) limiting your progress, if any. (3 items or less)

III. FUTURE RESOURCE NEEDS (Skip to section IV if you checked "100%" in Question 1.)

Question Title

List below the CNMS equipment and/or capabilities needed to meet the remaining objectives of your project. Consult the current list of capabilities on the CNMS website under "Capabilities" or under CNMS Facilities Requested from your proposal submission. For each capability on your list, you must provide an appropriate, quantitative estimate of the amount of CNMS resources needed, e.g., number, mass, or volume of samples to measure or synthesize, number of days or hours of instrument use, etc. Applications that do not include such an estimate will not be considered further.

Please list publications and presentations that include work done at CNMS as part of this user project below. For each
item, include (1) title of article or abstract, (2) list of authors, and (3) title of journal or conference.

Question Title

10. List articles already published that include work done at CNMS during this project.

Question Title

11. List articles that have been submitted but not yet published (includes accepted articles)

Question Title

12. List presentations already given at national or international conferences and indicate whether invited, oral, or