The Town of North East, Cecil County, and the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) are requesting your participation in the MD-272 Corridor Plan public survey.

The MD-272 Corridor Plan will examine transportation improvements specific to MD-272, bounded north by the Joseph Biggs Memorial Highway (MD-274) and on the south by Shady Beach Road and Hance Point Road. Development of the MD-272 Corridor Plan will be a community-driven process aimed at enhancing transportation connectivity and safety. It is being coordinated with the Town of North East’s Comprehensive Plan Update, and these questions will reflect the input already provided through that survey while expanding on concerns for this specific area. Visit for more information on the MD-272 Corridor Plan.

Your participation is greatly valued. As a local expert, we want to understand your vision for this roadway and concerns you have about it today. To say “thank you” for participating you can be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa gift card! (Provide your contact information, including a local address, at the end of the survey to be entered.)

Question Title

Study Area

<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Study Area</strong></span>

Question Title

* 1. Please check all that apply:

The following questions ask about area traffic and recommended improvements in the study area. Since there are distinctive parts of the corridor, we have broken it into three parts: A) From Cecil College to the railroad bridge; B) Downtown North East; C) South of Susquehannock Blvd. Please refer to the attached maps for clarification.

Question Title

Study Area A

<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Study Area A</strong></span>

Question Title

* 2. What are your top traffic concerns in Study Area A: From Cecil College to the railroad bridge? (Select more than one option, if applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following improvements would you recommend for Study Area A: From Cecil College to the railroad bridge (Select more than one option, if applicable)