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* 1. In the last year which of the following PTFA events/activities have you attended or contributed to?

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* 2. In the past year which of the following PTFA events have you helped out at?

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* 3. If you don't currently attend PTFA events could you tell us why not?

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* 4. What other kinds of PTFA events and activities would you be interested in attending with your children (or if KS2 sending your children to)?

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* 5. If you don't currently help at PTFA events could you tell us what we could do to make it easier for you to help?

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* 6. Do you have any examples of great school fundraising ideas that you have seen work elsewhere?

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* 7. Is there any other feedback you would like to give the PTFA?

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* 8. If you would like to get more involved with the PTFA we'd love to have you on board. Just leave your details below and we will get in touch. Thank you!