Implicit Bias Script Click HERE to watch the screencast.Implicit Bias Script Question Title * 1. Does the District’s implicit bias script provide appropriate guidance to interview committees? Please explain. Question Title * 2. Is the length of the District’s implicit bias script about the right length? Please explain. Question Title * 3. Is there anything that you would like added or removed from the District’s implicit bias script? Please explain. Question Title * 4. Do you think an introductory implicit bias message provides value before interview committees begin their interviews? Please explain. Question Title * 5. Do you think each interviewer should have to sign this form after reading it or just hear it read aloud? Question Title * 6. What other strategies could be used to ensure that interview committees are aware of implicit biases and the negative effect they can have on interviewing and selection? Question Title * 7. Other comments. Question Title * 8. Optional: If you would like to be contacted regarding this topic and responses, please leave your email address. Email Address Done