Exit this survey 2017 Summer Reading Club Satisfaction Survey Question Title * 1. Which club(s) did you and your family participate in? Children’s (baby through 6th grade) Young Adult (grades 6-12) Adult Question Title * 2. Was this the first time you participated in the Summer Reading Club at the Park Ridge Public Library? Yes No Question Title * 3. If not, how many years have you participated in the Summer Reading Club at the Park Ridge Public Library? Question Title * 4. Which of the following were part of your decision to participate in the Summer Reading Club? To maintain my child’s reading skills over the summer I value reading highly It is something fun to do over the summer For the great prizes and incentives Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Did you feel that the reading goals were reasonable for the program - reading at least 20 days for children, 4 books for teens (grades 6-12), 4 books for adults? Very reasonable Reasonable Neutral Somewhat unreasonable Very unreasonable Comments: Question Title * 6. For parents of children who participated in the Summer Reading Club, do you feel that the Summer Reading Club helped motivate your child to read over the summer? Yes No Not applicable Comments: Question Title * 7. Were you satisfied with the incentives offered? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Comments: Question Title * 8. How satisfied were you with the summer reading programs and events? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Comments: Question Title * 9. Please share your comments, suggestions and thoughts about the Summer Reading Clubs and summer programs. Done