Additional training services

At Pinnacle, we are constantly striving to provide additional resources to our clients. Our training team has years of experience designing, developing, and delivering training using several different delivery methods. We value your feedback and would like to know what training resources are important to you and your organization. If you would like more information on current or custom training programs, please let us know.

Thank you for taking the time to give us this feedback. Click OK to begin the survey.

Paul Nunn, Training Manager
Pinnacle Financial Strategies

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* 1. Are you aware that Pinnacle provides training courses on Overdraft Privilege as a webinar and an eLearning course? We also conduct sales training for frontline employees as well as business development training for branch managers and/or officers. Let us know which of these current courses are of interest to your organization.

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* 2. Our training department is expanding the courses we offer our clients. Click on the course topics that would be beneficial to your financial institution.

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* 3. If Pinnacle offered course Instructional Design services (building a customized training course for your institution), do you feel your financial institution would benefit from this service?

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* 4. If so, which topics are you interested in having developed by Pinnacle?

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* 5. Thank you for your feedback. If you would like to be contacted by a Pinnacle training specialist, please provide your contact information below.