CMSAPC is working on a cannabis/marijuana prevention campaign targeted at parents and caregivers across MetroWest. The goal of the campaign is to prevent and reduce youth cannabis use. We aim to do this by educating parents/caregivers on the risks of youth marijuana use, encouraging family communication, and improving the perception of harm associated with youth cannabis use by both youth and parents/caregivers.

By providing your thoughts below, you will be helping us to create an effective campaign that will help us reach our important goal. Thank you in advance for participating!
Please provide some basic info about your family...

Question Title

* 1. What town/city do you and your child/ren live in?

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* 2. How old is your child/ren? Include all children in the household

Question Title

* 3. What school(s) does your child/ren attend? Please list the schools for all children in the household.

Cannabis Messaging Options - Please review our 4 message options and share your thoughts...

Question Title

* 4. What message/topic catches your attention the most and makes you want to learn more? Please rank in order from your favorite (top) to least favorite (bottom).

Question Title

* 5. What message/topic do you feel is most important for parents/caregivers like yourself to hear and learn more about? Please rank from most important (top) to least important (bottom).

Feedback on Message # 1

Just say KNOW!

Parents should know the risks of marijuana use and start talking with their children about them early on. Today’s marijuana is much stronger than in the past. Marijuana use in any form is not safe for a child’s brain development.

Question Title

* 6. How easy is it to understand this message?

Question Title

* 7. How much do you care about what this message is saying?

Question Title

* 8. How likely would you be to share this message with your child/ren?

Feedback on Message # 2

Talk Early and Often

It is never too early to talk with your children about the risks of marijuana use. It’s better to talk before children are exposed to alcohol and other drugs. When parents talk with their children early and often about alcohol and other drugs, they can protect them from many of the high-risk behaviors associated with substance use.

Question Title

* 9. How easy is it to understand this message?

Question Title

* 10. How much do you care about what this message is saying?

Question Title

* 11. How likely would you be to share this message with your child/ren?

Feedback on Message # 3

Just say WAIT!

Delaying the start of substance use is best because youth brains are still developing. Early substance use is correlated with addiction. That means, the younger a person is when they start using substances, the greater the risk they have for addiction later in life.

Question Title

* 12. How easy is it to understand this message?

Question Title

* 13. How much do you care about what this message is saying?

Question Title

* 14. How likely would you be to share this message with your child/ren?

Feedback on Message # 4

Be the First.

Be the first, not the last to talk with your youth about substances. And know the facts. Marijuana use can negatively impact youth despite it being known as a “natural” substance.

Question Title

* 15. How easy is it to understand this message?

Question Title

* 16. How much do you care about what this message is saying?

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* 17. How likely would you be to share this message with your child/ren?

General Questions

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* 18. Which of the below platforms do you receive information from on a regular basis? Select all that apply to help us determine where to advertise our campaign.

Question Title

* 19. Where or from whom did you receive this survey?

Question Title

* 20. Would you be interested in participating in a virtual focus group to provide more insight and feedback on our campaign? You will be given a gift card as a thank you for your time. If so, please enter your email below. Emails will be separated from survey responses in order to preserve anonymity.

Question Title

* 21. Please share any other thoughts, feedback, questions or concerns you may have about the above messages. Ex. Is anything unclear or confusing? Is there anything you would change? Is anything offensive?

Last step! Please take a moment to share some basic demographic info with us...

Question Title

* 23. What is your age?

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* 24. What is your race? Check all that apply

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* 25. What is your ethnic background? (ex. American, Brazilian, Irish, Italian, Mexican, Portuguese)

Thank you for taking our survey! Your feedback is invaluable for the success of our campaign!

Want to learn more about CMSAPC and how you can get involved? Check out our website at

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