The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) is developing a national and interdisciplinary research, training, and knowledge mobilization agenda focused on mountain regions. We have engaged post-secondary institutions, Indigenous representative organizations, governments (local, provincial/territorial and federal), companies, nonprofits, and individual experts from across the country to co-design this agenda. Our vision is to provide Canadians with state-of-the-art tools and knowledge, based on multiple ways of knowing, that are essential for informed decision-making to sustain and manage mountain places in the face of unprecedented environmental, economic and societal changes.
In February 2018, CMN was selected as one of 11 proposals (69 submitted) to submit a Full Application to the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence funding competition. CMN will request $20 million in funding over five years from the federal government, with the opportunity for two additional five-year extensions.
We are now working to better understand the cluster of individuals and organizations - academic and non-academic - working with various technologies to help us better understand and interpret change in mountain regions. We believe that CMN funding to support the development and distribution of new technologies will benefit our efforts across all three activity areas - research, training and knowledge mobilization - and all relevant Research Themes, Challenges, and Research Priority Areas. Find more details on the CMN activity areas and research agenda here:
For the NCE Full Application, we require formal consultation and planning efforts in order to provide quantifiable and qualitative data to support the development and funding of a Technology Cluster, as well as identify prospective cluster participants.
This survey is the first step in those efforts. The first 4 questions tell us a little about your stakeholder profile and the next 9 questions seek to determine alignment of stakeholder interests with the suggested CMN Research Priority Areas (RPAs).
Please contact Dr. Chris Hopkinson, Research Chair in Terrestrial Ecosystem Remote Sensing at the University of Lethbridge, with any questions regarding this survey at