Committee Meeting - Minutes Form Minutes are only required if your committee has action items to report. Items of importance that should be recorded include projects/programs and recommendations to the MoBar leadership. Question Title * COMMITTEE INFO: Committee Name Minutes Submitted By Question Title * MEETING DETAILS: Spring Meeting Fall Meeting Other If "Other", please list date and location. Question Title * OPTIONAL: Upload a copy of your minutes If you upload a document, skip to the bottom and click submit. It is not necessary to fill in the following sections. PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File If you upload a document, skip to the bottom and click submit. It is not necessary to fill in the following sections. Question Title * TIME CONVENED: Question Title * TIME ADJOURNED: Question Title * ACTION ITEMS:List action items from the meeting - each project and major program considered including: issue addressed action taken projects proposed members responsible Question Title * RECOMMENDATIONS:List recommendations from the committee to Missouri Bar leadership. Question Title * OTHER COMMENTS: Thank you for taking minutes! Click SUBMIT below to submit your response. SUBMIT