
City of Miami Gardens Employee recognition program is designed to recognize City employees for demonstrated behaviors that advance the City’s mission and embodies the principles of being an All-America City. This program aims to increase employee morale; increase productivity; increase employee commitment and loyalty; and promotes high performance.
Employees may be nominated based on the following criteria:

Employee Status: Open to all employees of CMG (FT/PT)

Length of Service: Two (2) years +

Leadership Qualities: Provides on-going high quality performance, directs people to resources, seeks to improve City operations, handles difficult situations and is dependable.

Service Excellence: Consistently sets the example of providing excellent internal customer service at the same level as external service.

Team Accomplishment: Promotes a winning attitude; helps to motivate and is an advocate for change while displaying positive leadership skills.

Attendance: Displays punctuality and is reliable at all times.

For inquiries please contact Training Specialist Yvena Muselaire at ymuselaire@miamigardens-fl.gov or ext. 2582.


Question Title

* 1. Nominee's Name:

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* 2. Nominee's Department:

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* 3. Your Name and Department:

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* 4. Describe how the employee demonstrates excellence in the area of Teamwork. Please provide specific examples.

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* 5. Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the area of Commitment. Please provide specific examples.

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* 6. Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the area of Customer Service to both internal and external customers.  Please provide specific examples.

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* 7. Please provide any additional information or description of leadership skills and/or service excellence displayed by the employee.  

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* 8. You may use this section to upload any supporting documents or pictures for this nomination.

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