This competency evidences your understanding relating to workplace WHS matters. Each worker (under the Act) has a duty of care to maintain a safe work environment without risk to self or others. 
You must obtain 95% pass mark to successfully complete. 

Refer to the following guides to help complete this competency assessment. 

Click here to watch a video on WHS Refresher Program (28 mins).
Click here to watch a video on Emergency Codes and Non Medical Emergencies at CMAX. (15 minutes)
(NB: You will only need to watch these videos if you are unfamiliar with the WHS concepts and have not previously completed the session and/or you are unfamiliar with the content. This quiz uses information covered in these presentations).

Click here to link to the current Work, Health and Safety Act 2012. 

You will need to refer to the CMAX WHS Policy and the WHS Manual.

To access the manual, you will find a copy in SOP Tracker: https://www.soptracker  Additionally, you will also need to refer to the 'Unwanted Behaviour and Code Black Flowchart' Appendix 2 in the WHS Manual. 

Additionally, you will find information by investigating your area at CMAX (e.g. Fire extinguishers, Evacuation Diagrams, emergency exit locations etc). 

Question Title

* 1. Enter your details

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* 2. In the event of an emergency, what is the number to call? 

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* 3. Select the correct Emergency Codes. (2 answers apply)

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* 4. In a 'Code RED' situation, what are correct actions to take? (2 apply)

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* 5. What would you use to put out a small internal fire at CMAX? 

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* 6. A Manual Call Point is....

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* 7. In the event of an accident/injury/near-miss, you must:

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CMAX Evacuation Point Choices. Study the image below and identify CMAX buildings (21 North Terrace and 18a North Terrace / Newmarket Street). 

<strong>CMAX Evacuation Point Choices. Study the image below and identify CMAX buildings (21 North Terrace and 18a North Terrace / Newmarket Street).&nbsp;</strong>

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* 8. Referring to the image above, where are the two evacuation points for CMAX staff. Select the correct locations. (2 responses apply).

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* 9. From the examples below, select which are hazards. Remember, a hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm. (3 apply)

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* 10. Your primary responsibility under the WHS Act is to ensure...

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* 11. If evacuating the building due to a Code Red, how do you evacuate?

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* 12. Under the Work, Health & Safety Act 2012 we are asked to...

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* 13. Are we required to co-operate with 'reasonable policy or procedure' relating to work, health or safety? 

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* 14. If you are a casual staff member, have a second job elsewhere and only do 1 or 2 shifts a month, are you considered a 'worker' at CMAX under the Act?

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* 15. An injury occurs, it's minor and you don't think much of it because it 'probably wont turn out to be anything'. Do you still have to report this?

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* 16. What is an 'Officer' under the WHS Act?

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* 17. If working from home, is your home (workspace) considered a workplace? 

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* 18. Can you be personally fined for failure to comply with a direction under the WHS Act? 

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* 19. If you have 'reasonable concern' a task you're asked to undertake is unsafe, do you have to comply if told to by your Manager?

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* 20. You slip on the floor and hit your arm against the door frame. What actions are you required to take? (3 apply)

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* 21. Escalating to a code black refers to what situations? (3 apply)

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* 22. If unwanted behaviours escalates or continues, you must

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* 23. When escalating to a code black, you alert by (2 apply)

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* 24. Based on the Unwanted Behaviour and Code Black Flowchart, the physical distance you should maintain is

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* 25. If you are unable to reach an ECB or Staff Assist button safety, the following statement will alert staff to the need for assistance

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* 26. A manual handling task is defined as a movement that involves:

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* 27. Before you undertake a manual handling task (e.g. lifting)

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* 28. What is a 'no-person-lift-rule'? 

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* 29. It is ok to lift a heavy load above your shoulders if you’re strong!

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* 30. If a manual handling task feels unsafe, you must;