The Grey Bruce Ontario Health Team is working together with community members and local organizations to create a printed calendar designed for older adults in our area. This interactive calendar will include helpful tools, tips and tricks to support aging well in Grey-Bruce--but we need your help! We want to hear what older adults feel would be most helpful to them. Please take a few moments to fill out this survey, share with others and help support aging in place in our communities.
If you would like to learn more about the project or hear about upcoming opportunities to share feedback please contact Sarah:

Question Title

* 1. Each month of the calendar will be focused on a topic. What topics should be included?
What do you think older adults in our communities need to know about?

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* 2. What else would be helpful to include in this printed resource? Choose from the examples or provide your own ideas.

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* 3. If an older adult you know needed support, what local resources would you share with them? Who should they call or where should they go?

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* 4. If an older adult you know was looking to make new social connections, what would you suggest to them?

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* 5. What other local services, organizations or groups do you think more people should know about?

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* 6. A calendar must also be beautiful to look at! What types of images would you like to see? Do you know of any local artists or photographers who should be featured?
If you would like to show your own creations, please contact Sarah:
Selected artists will receive a small honourarium for their work.

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you!