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* 1. Company Name: (Optional)

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* 2. Attendee Name: (Optional)

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* 3. Which days did you attend the Customer Conference?

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* 4. How well did the event meet your expectations?

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* 5. Did the chosen topics meet your expectations?

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* 6. Were the chosen topics helpful in improving your knowledge and applications of industry best practices?

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* 7. Which topics would you like to see covered in more detail at next year’s conference? (Choose all that apply)

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* 8. The guest speakers provided value to me that was:

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* 9. The lunch at The Chemical Heritage Fountain Overlook was:

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* 10. The dinner at the Museum of the American Revolution was:

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* 11. The meeting space was:

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* 12. The overall experience at this year’s Conference was:

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* 13. If we held another event like this in Europe, would you or your colleagues attend or find value?

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* 14. Additional event comments:

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* 15. Why did you select CLX Logistics as your partner?