
South Kesteven District Council, in common with other local authorities across England, has a statutory duty to prepare, implement and regularly review its Contaminated Land Strategy. Detailing how it will ensure that any contaminated land within the district of South Kesteven is suitable for its current use, the strategy sets out how contaminated land will be identified, managed and made safe through planning and development control processes and remediation action, when necessary.

South Kesteven District Council’s Contaminated Land Strategy includes details of:
  • The characteristics of the district – including its geology
  • The regulatory context
  • The aims and objectives of the strategy
  • The classification used to determine if land is contaminated or not
  • The process the Council will follow when action to remediate is required
The strategy is built around the following legislation:
  • The Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part 2A
  • The Environment Act 1995 section 57
  • Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006
Aimed at removing any unacceptable risk to human health and the environment through identification of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites, the other aims of the strategy include ensuring procedures are integrated and consistent with the planning process, and demonstrating that the Council’s obligations under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 have been fulfilled.

The strategy also includes details of the process the Council follows when contaminated land has been identified. Actions include:
  • Establishing who is responsible for the contamination
  • Deciding what remedial action is required
  • Ensuring that the remedial action is undertaken
  • Determining who should meet the costs of the remediation
  • Recording information about the regulatory action on a public register
To view SKDC’s draft Contaminated Land Strategy 2024, please click here.

This strategy will be presented to the Council. Before considering if it should approve this strategy, or not, SKDC would welcome your opinion. Please spare us a few moments to tell us what you think.

Thank you.