Social Enterprise Summit 2024 - Community Learning Exchanges

Application Form

Please fully fill in the details below to help us allocate places for the learning exchanges.

Please note : Completion of this form does not guarantee a space, applications will be assessed to ensure that social enterprises are given priority - particularly those where cost of travel may be a barrier to attending the event. Other organisations may apply but each application will be assessed on a case by case basis.

We will let you know the outcome of your application as soon as possible to allow you time to arrange travel/accommation if required
1.Which Community Learning Exchange are you interested in attending? See event details for more info.(Required.)
2.Full name(Required.)
3.Contact Email Address(Required.)
4.Contact Phone Number(Required.)
5.Organisation Name(Required.)
6.Is your organisation a social enterprise or a start-up?(Required.)
7.Where is your social enterprise based?(Required.)
8.Would you be willing to report on your learning and outcomes gained from taking part in the exchange?(Required.)
9.How many places are you looking to book?(Required.)
10.Would you require a contribution to travel and accommodation? Please see the event details for information on funding for subsidence, travel and accommodation.(Required.)
11.If yes, please provide us with an approximate estimation of your costs.
12.How will attending your chosen Community Learning Exchange support your social enterprise's mission?(Required.)
13.Do you have any accessibility requirements?(Required.)
14.Do you have any dietary requirements?(Required.)