1. About the Program and EOI Process

Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLCQ) is facilitating a training program for managers and leaders working in the Queensland CLC sector. The program aims to develop your skills in management and leadership, and help you understand your leadership style to build and maintain a high performing team and create a successful and sustainable workplace.
The program will run across a number of dates, and participants must be able to attend each module as the content will expand on learnings from the previous session. Attendance must be in person. Attendees cannot be substituted across your Centre.
  • Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 April 2023 (SEQ retreat)
  • Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June 2023 (Brisbane)
  • Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 August (Brisbane)

Cost: $1500
(Includes accommodation for the first module only, catering, and training materials. Travel costs are not included)

Participants will be provided with materials to review and prepare in between the modules, and will be encouraged to connect with each other outside of the modules.

If you are interested in attending, please complete the below EOI to assist CLCQ in determining the cohort who may best benefit from the program as places are limited. CLCQ is only able to accept one participant per Centre.
EOIs close at 5pm Wednesday 15 February 2023.
CLCQ will respond regarding the outcome of your EOI by Tuesday 28 February 2023.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the CLC Leadership Development Program or EOI process, please contact Rosslyn Monro at CLCQ: rosslyn@communitylegalqld.org.au. 
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