Attention All CLASSIFIED Employees (Custodial, Grounds, Maintenance, Clerical, Instructional Aides, Transportation, Warehouse, etc.),

      Please take a moment to COMPLETE THE SURVEY BELOW.   Union leadership relies on your feedback to better understand the interests and needs of District support staff.


Union Leadership recently reached a TENTATIVE AGREEMENT (Certificated TA) in the CERTIFICATED collective bargaining process.  This agreement will serve as the foundation for any future agreements associated with the CLASSIFIED bargaining cycle.  With the TA, the Union has...

(A) Maintained employee HEALTHCARE without any further erosion,

(B) Secured an 8% salary increase (retro to July of 2022). 

However, with your support and participation, we will pursue further improvements beyond the salary and benefits agreements contained in the Certificated TA.

Thank you for your attention and participation in the SURVEY below.
    ~ CAUSE Leadership

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* 1. Do you support the recent CERTIFICATED TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS, which secured an 8% salary and maintained employee HEALTHCARE packages without further erosion?

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* 2. As we propose improvements above and beyond the foundations established in the CERTIFICATED TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS, how would you prioritize the  contract improvements below?  Please rank the following proposals, so as to clarify your greatest priorities versus those you prioritize less.

  1. IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:  The Union proposes increasing the number of paid IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT days on the District calendar, and increase compensation levels for District support staff commensurately.
  2. EQUITABLE ACCESS to compensation associated with the HEALTHCARE benefit:  The Union proposes increasing access to compensation associated with the employee HEALTHCARE benefit, to ensure that those who earn a significant portion of their HEALTHCARE benefit package receive a portion of that value.
  3. BILINGUAL SERVICE Stipend Values: The Union proposes increasing BILINGUAL SERVICE stipends or salary enhancements to better reflect the value of these services provided by District Support Staff
  4. WAGE PARITY upon hiring:  The Union proposes that it is inequitable for new employees (Who often  arrive without any experience.) to be hired at a higher hourly rates than those who are currently providing high-quality service in these same positions and job classifications. 
  5. CLASSIFIED VACATION ALLOTMENT:  The Union proposes that District support staff be provided increased flexibility, in regard to how they use their vacation time. 
  6. FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT - Access: The Union proposes that employees in good standing be provided an opportunity to work in open positions that do not conflict with their current hours, so as to increase the opportunity to secure full-time employment and access to the District's fully funded HEALTHCARE package.
  7. HEALTHCARE OPT-OUT options: Offering District employees CASH-in-LIEU options if they OPT-OUT of employee HEALTHCARE; if they can demonstrate that they have secured comparable healthcare insurance through an external vendor, family member, or employer.
  8. TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM: Provide District employees transportation both to & from VENTURA & SANTA BARBARA.
  9. CAREER INCREMENTS:  Increase career increments, to improve employee longevity and the benefits associated with employee longevity.
  10. Single-Year WAGE INCREASE (above the 8% already bargained in the CERTIFICATED TA ): The Union proposes a higher salary increase for District support staff.   The Union proposes this increase in hopes of bringing CLASSIFIED wages up to more competitive and realistic vales, when taking into account Cost Of Living increases regionally.
  11. Multi-Year WAGE INCREASE (Compensation & Benefits):   For the period of three years, the Union proposes a multi-year agreement,   to consistently ensure that CLASSIFIED wages increase at a higher-rate than those bargained in the CERTIFICATED bargaining cycle for the same period.
  12. STIPENDS / HAZARD PAY: The Union proposes that employees working while under the status of "Essential Workers," or working with physically dangerous or violent students, receive increased compensation in the form of a stipend or hazard pay.  .  
  13. HIRING & RETENTION BONUSES: The Union proposes that whenever the District provides hiring bonuses to attract new CLASSIFIED employees, it will first provide the same value in retention bonuses to permanent CLASSIFIED employees.
  14. CAREER ADVANCEMENT:  The Union proposes CUSD provide scholarship monies to CLASSIFIED employees seeking a teaching credential at accredited institutions.
  15. SUBSTITUTE PAY: The Union proposes CLASSIFIED employees working in the capacity as substitutes (for either support staff or faculty positions), be compensated at the higher rate associated with the position covered, but no less than their routine hourly wage.
  16. SURVEILLANCE:  The Union proposes CUSD will take a variety of measures to increase transparency associated with the surveillance of District employees, be it video, audio, photographic, or other methods not immediately obvious to CLASSIFIED personal.
  17. COVID LEAVE: The District will contractualize expectations associated with COVID LEAVE & mitigation, in the event of acute increases (regionally) in transmission or acute employee illness as verified by a COVID positive test.

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* 3. What are you willing to do to encourage the school board and Superintendent to support your priorities above?

Check all that apply...

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* 4. Please provide your full name ...

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* 5. Please confirm your school site / work site...

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* 6. Please provide your personal phone / cell number...

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* 7. Please provide your personal email ...

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* 8. Have you been receiving CAUSE ADVISORIES sent to the email address provided in Q7 ?