Liver Disease Patient Survey

Completing the Liver Patient Survey serves as a vital tool in informing the efforts of the CLA in providing education and support for patients and caregivers within the liver community. By participating in the survey, individuals offer invaluable insights into their experiences, needs, and preferences, which in turn shape the development of tailored programs and resources. This collaborative exchange of information ensures that the CLA's initiatives remain responsive and relevant to the diverse challenges faced by those affected by liver disease. Ultimately, the survey empowers individuals to actively contribute to the enhancement of support networks and educational resources, fostering a more informed community in the fight against liver disease. Please allow 10 minutes to complete.

1.What is your Liver Disease Diagnosis?
2.How would you rate your knowledge of your disease?
3.What is your current Liver Disease status?
4.Are you currently being followed by a specialist? If yes, what kind?
5.How were you diagnosed? (for example: trip to ER, visit to PCP, asked to be tested, while being treated for another condition)
6.What types of non-invasive liver testing have you experienced (check all that apply)
7.If applicable, is a liver transplant an option?
8.At time of diagnosis did you feel you were given adequate information and support?
no support provided
very little support provided
adequate support provided
more than adequate support provided
excellent support provided
9.After your diagnosis did you try to find out more information?
10.If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please specify how.
11.How has Liver Disease impacted your life socially, financially or emotionally?
12.What is your current age?
13.What age were you at diagnosis?
14.Would you like to become an advocate to amplify the voice of liver patients?
15.What symptoms are you experiencing? Please check all that apply and add any other information in the Other box.
16.Have you participated in a clinical trial for your liver disease(s)?
17.Would you be willing to participate in a clinical trial?
18.What are the social insecurities you currently face? Select all that apply.
19.What is your race or ethnicity?
20.In what city do you live?
21.In what state or U.S. territory do you live?
22.What support services would be helpful to you and your caregiver(s)?
23.Please share any additional comments/observations regarding your Liver Disease.
Current Progress,
0 of 23 answered