Grab a cuppa and help us improve the look and feel of our website!

QCWA Country Kitchens is currently working on a new website. We are updating the content and of course it will also have a new and improved look.The aim of the new website is to create a valuable resource for all of our facilitators, the general public and of course to provide evidence based nutrition information. However, we need your help! So grab a cuppa and help us create the best website we can. Make sure you get in quick, this survey ends next week 11th of April 2017. 

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* 1. If you are a member of the QCWA, please name your branch below

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* 2. Are you a facilitator?

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* 3. Which age group are you in?

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 5. Had you heard of Country Kitchens before visiting this website?

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* 6. If yes, from what source did you hear about the QWCA Country Kitchens Program?

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* 7. Please indicate how you typically access the website:

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* 8. Please indicate how easy the website is to use:

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* 9. Please indicate how easy the website is to navigate:

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* 10. On a scale from 1 (not confident) to 5 (very confident), how confident are you about the finding the information about the QCWA Country Kitchens program on the website?

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* 11. What kind of nutrition-related content would you like more information on? And what would you like to see less of? For example: planting and growing vegetables, knife skills, hydrations tips, seasonality of foods, how to get kids interested in food.

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* 12. On a scale of 1 (not important) - 5 (very important), how important is it that the website has the following?

  1 (not important) 2 3 4 5 (very important)
QCWA Country Kitchens Approved Recipes
Tips for healthy eating and cooking
Facilitator resources including Hands On Nutrition Workshop forms and Community Activity ideas
Health and nutrition related information about the 5 key messages
A list of up and coming events
Local News including insights into facilitators, local event outcomes, community activities 

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* 13. In a typical day, do you feel you can go to the website and find what you need?

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* 14. We would love to know your thoughts and ideas about how we can make the website better. Please comment below

Thank you for contributing to the Country Kitchens program. We are on a mission to improve the health of Queenslanders one vegetable at a time with the support of the QCWA and the Queensland Government!