Feedback on new Rules of Court website

We welcome your opinion

The new Indiana Rules of Court website currently contains only 5 sets of rules: both the parenting time and child support guidelines plus the rules for appellate, criminal, and trial procedure. We will add more rule sets over time until all Indiana court rules are included. Until then, we appreciate your feedback so we can make the website as useful as possible.
1.How often do you look up court rules online?
2.Have you looked up court rules on the Supreme Court website before today?
3.Choose the role that best describes you
4.How important are these website features to you?
Very important
No opinion
Only a little important
Not important at all
Mobile-friendly website
Printer-friendly pages
Word version of rules
PDF version of rules
Search across all rules
Access to previous versions of rules
5.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following?
Strongly agree
No opinion
Strongly disagree
The website is easy to use
The text is easy to read
The search tool works well
The site is well-organized
6.Did you find what you were looking for today?
7.What were you looking for?
8.Did you use the search function?
9.Is there any other feedback you wish to share?